Most SP programs are tailored for an active duty environment; making them difficult to integrate into our geographically-dispersed
reserve components.
We have innovative methods to increase suicide surveillance and response in reserve components.
Participants step out of comfort zones and overcome fears during Reczealient training. Events include discussions on resilience skills followed by an adventurous exercise to facilitate integration and mastery of the skill. Events conclude with reflection on further application of resiliency in the participant's daily life.
Physical health affects our mental health. Unfortunately modern lifestyles are highly sedentary. Reczealient events introduce participants to popular outdoor pursuits and ignites the
intrinsic motivation
to become more active and healthier.
Much of today's mental health crisis is contributed to excessive time spent behind screens and it's negative effects on our mind and body. Let us help your Service Members discover the healing powers of time spent in nature and self-regulation of emotions through mindfulness.
Stigma towards potential career effects from seeking help continue to plague our military SP efforts.
Reczealient events include licensed practitioners who eliminate these concerns by creating a welcoming environment for participants to ask questions and seek additional help.
If your last power point training on resiliency was a check-the-box snooze fest, we can help.
(501) 920-4885
Let us facilitate a workshop to assist your resiliency trainers and suicide prevention specialists in establishing an effective and sustainable program that incorporates the five tenants above.
We can establish and manage an outdoor-based resiliency-enhancing / suicide prevention program tailored to your organizational needs. We can lay the groundwork* then hand the reigns over to your resiliency trainers and suicide prevention specialists.
*marketing to Service Members, educating leadership, event coordination, etc
Events have been funded through the Chaplaincy-managed 'Building Strong & Ready Teams' and 'Strong Bonds' programs. Events have also been funded through the Suicide Prevention 'VSPV' Management Decision Package (MDEP).